I don’t cook the same way in summer with an aubergine as I do with a swede in winter!

Every day is a new day for me

Animal tissue

Alain Passard is a chef who has been deeply attached to his stoves for almost 35 years.
Chef Alain Passard is a world-class rôtisseur, who, for years, has followed what his grandmother passed down to him: a passion for flames and slow-cooking meat at low temperatures.
This is the passion that led Arpège to became one of the leading rôtisseries in Paris, earning 3 Michelin’s stars in 1996. 


By the early 2000s, Alain Passard experienced a deep rift in his creativity. He rediscovered the garden — its fruits, its vegetables —and realized that he had never give them the room they deserved in his dishes.

He decided to change course and give vegetables centre stage in his culinary creations.

Vegetal tissue

Since then, Alain Passard takes care to build his dishes around vegetables.Quickly, the Chef became the owner of two gardens that supply organic vegetables for Arpège. 

A true achievement and the very best way to rediscover each season’s gifts!

Plats signatures

Carpaccio of scallops and radishes

Carpaccio de Saint-Jacques et radis

Onion gratin

Gratin d'oignon

Lobster in the Cotes du Jura

Homard aux Cotes du Jura

Vegetable tartar

Tartare végétal

Hand-to-hand combat with hay

Corps-à-corps au foin

Salt crust beet

Betterave en croûte de sel

Chimera Lamb Pigeon

Chimère Agneau Pigeon

Vegetable tarts

Tartelettes potagères

Rose Bouquet Pie

Tarte Bouquet de Rose

One obsession 4 seasons / 5 senses

Nature,Season,Gardens,Gardening,Animal Tissue,Vegetal Tissue,Fire School,The hand,The taste,Music,Transmission,Colors,Art,Artisans,Maison de cuisine,Les Paniers d’Alain,Local cuisine.